Giving Well – A Quick Word From Pastor Aaron

Newhopeaubrey   -  

Church Family,

This Sunday (Oct. 23), we will re-introduce an “offering time” to the morning worship service. Before we do that, though, I wanted to take a moment to let you know what we’re thinking so we can all be on the same page.

We currently have several different ways you can give your tithes and offerings. You can place it in the offering boxes (two in the sanctuary, two in the foyer), you can give securely online or through our church app, or you can take it in person to the church office. There is no pressure to give a certain way, but we do want you to know of the various options already available to you.

Starting this Sunday, we will also take up an offering as part of the worship service. During the third song, right after the welcome/announcements, we will pass offering buckets down the rows. Our hope is that it will be a natural and non-distracting part of worship, but please be patient as it may look different than what you’re used to and as we fine-tune our process.

Now here’s the most important thing we want you to know about all this—why are we doing this?

As our worship pastor, Nathan, put it recently: “We’re not desperate for money, we’re desperate to do ministry,” and that has a cost. Practically speaking, we can’t carry out the ministry God has called our church to do without the support of your tithes and offerings. But there’s a deeper reason to give, too.

We believe that nothing we have is ours anyway (Ps. 24:1). It’s all a gift from God and we are called to be wise and faithful stewards of what He has given us. So, when we give—consistently, generously, joyfully (2 Cor. 8-9)—it is an act of worship.

There is so much more to say about all this, and we plan to say it! This upcoming Sunday will also mark the beginning of a new sermon series, Giving Well, where we’ll explore these things more fully together. I hope you’ll join us.

Eager to see where the Lord leads us,

Pastor Aaron