In the early part of 1878, Rev. R.L. Borum began having bible studies with 6 women in a little log schoolhouse south of Aubrey on New Hope Road. And now, 145 years later, New Hope is still proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.
Because we're still doing those bible studies, we've learned that God has called us to join Him on mission to make disciples wherever we go. In recent years, New Hope has taken the gospel of Jesus to people in Taiwan, Belarus, Costa Rica, Hungary, Honduras, and several locations within the United States.
With the completion of the Family Life Center in 2014, New Hope became able to provide many more ministries for those who live right here in northeast Denton County. As we serve the Lord together, He continues writing our story for the glory of His name and the good of His people. We'd love for you to come and be a part of it with us!